Home Promotional Rules

Promotional Rules


While awarding promotion to a higher class, the following weightage shall be given upto VIII

  • Internal Assessments(Periodic Tests + Note Book Submission + Subject Enrichme Activity)
  • Written Exams (Half Yearly + Yearly Exams).
  • For promotions, a 50% aggregate is compulsory. A Supplementary examination (Only for very genuine case) may be held in April. Only with attendance of 75% a student is entitled to take the Annual Examination or the C.B.S.E. examination.


  • Every Student is required to get a qualified grade D or above in all the subjects excluding ( additional subject as per scheme of study for the purpose of promotion to next class.
  • A student getting E in scholastic area in one or more subjects will have to improve his/her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualify Grade D in these subjects.
  • If a student fails to obtain qualifying Grade D in one or more subjects, even after adding grade points from Co-scholastic areas and after availing one improvement chance, he/she will not promoted to next class.
  • It is mandatory required to appear in all the assessment during the academic year.


  • A duplicate copy of the transfer certificate may be issued only on producing a copy of the fir the lost original certificate.


  • Inter-House competitions are held time to time to inculcate the qualities of leadership, health competition and team spirit in the students. The House are named after great religious nation leaders. .


  • Fee-timing will be 9:00 am to 3 pm at Incredible Public School, Lilkar, Sikanderpur.
  • Last date for acceptance of school fee is 20th of every month, if it is being paid monthly.
  • Quarterly and Half Yearly Fee will be accepted in the first starting month of the Quarter and Half Year.
  • Every month's fees has to be deposited on the 20 of the same month otherwise the fee will be deposited with Rs. 200 fine.
  • Possibility of depositing School fee through Bank is being considered seriously.

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