Home Curriculam



The school curriculum and books from nursery to VIII are designed on the basis of NCERT syllabi and guidelines
For Secondary and senior secondary level we follow the syllabi prescribed by CBSE, New Delhi. The medium of Instruction is English.

Library Rules

  • Silence is to be observed in the library. Issued books are to be properly looked after and returned on the due date failing which Rs. 50/- per day shall be charged.
  • Marking underlining, cutting or erasing in the library is strict prohibited.
  • Reference: Books, Current magazines, Periodical, side books placed on the open shelves are to be read in the reading room only. These are not meant to be issued.


  • Work experience is the part of education programme. It helps children to get closer to the community and makes them conscious of other social commitment and develops in them respect for manual work and a desire to contribute their best for the common good. A student can offer for any one of the following activities provided under Work experience by the school :
    • Home Science

    • Needle Work

    • Tailoring

    • Doll/Toy Making

    • Computer Science

    • Indian distance

    • Vocal Music

    • Instrumentral Music

    • Adult Litracy


  • The school lays great emphasis on physical fitness of students and tries to provide facilities games, sports and recreational activities for all. The program includes rhythmic exercise, athletics, gymnastics, drills and sports like hockey, football, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, kho-kho and table tennis.

Parent Teacher Contact

  • Parent-teachers meetings have proved very beneficial for all concerned. For the coming session dates for these meeting have been marked in the school calendar. Parents will be reminded when the time comes. Parents of every student are expected to attend the meeting and discuss the general progress of the child.
    There will be a parent teacher contact four times in a year namely July, October, January and March. A part from the above mentioned months a parent may be called to the school if the need arises.
    This occasion is to be availed for building up mutual understanding between parents and teachers with regard to the all round progress of their ward. Criticism of teachers or the school in the presence of the students must be avoided. The parent's/guardians are requested to observe the monthly periodically and terminal reports and take active interest in the activities, Parents/Teachers Meeting (PTM) and function of school.
  • EXCURSIONS:The School arranges frequents sight-seeing tours as part of the total development of students.
  • CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The school aims at developing each child's capabilities and in-bom talent to the fullest extent. For that co- curricular activities are arranged time to time every week. The major co-curricular activities are: (i) Paper Folding, (ii) Freehand painting, (iii) Paper tearing and pasting, (iv) Magic Painting, (v) Painting with leaves and lady's finger, (vi) Dance, (vii) Song, (viii) Debate, (ix) One act play, (x) Quiz (xi) Sports, (xi) Games (xii) Clay activities etc..
  • Every month's fees has to be deposited on the 20 of the same month otherwise the fee will be deposited with Rs. 200 fine.
  • Possibility of depositing School fee through Bank is being considered seriously.

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