Home Discipline



Value the basic common discipline is necessary for the smooth running of any educational institution punctuality, neatness, uniformity of dress, courtesy, consideration for others and a co-operative spirit are insisted upon but beyond this, initiative and positive expressions of creative energy are encouraged. It is intended for self discipline in life.

The school begins with the morning Assembly which includes devotional songs and thoughts for the day.

Short talks are given by the students and the teachers on a variety of subject and important current events. The news by the students is read out daily. Every morning, the assembly is dispersed after the singing of the National Anthem with dispersion song.

For the freedom from stage fear every child is given a chance on rotation basis to speak in the morning assembly rather the whole assembly is conducted by the students themselves.


  • The school buses ply from all the direction in Sikanderpur, Nawanagar, Banshibazar, Maldah Belthra Road, Mahulanpar, Ekail Usasa Pur Pakari Foolpur, Garhmalpur, Nagra, Maniar, Rigvan, Sukhpura (Bharakhra), Khataga-Khatangi, Issar-Pithapatti, Balupur, Kasmapur and the villages situated in about 25 Km. Periphery.

Instruction for Availing the Transport

  • Transport services are optional for students and are provided to them according to their need, subject to payment of non refundable charges for the service.
  • In case availing the transport service involves any accident the risk of school administration shall not be liable in any way.
  • Transport service charges will be charge on quarterly basis in case of default; Services would be suspended for the concerned student.
  • Parents/Guardians are strictly prohibited from boarding the vehicle. Parents are expected to deal politely with the staff/teachers present on the vehicle. In case of any inconvenience a complain in writing must be made of the principle.
  • In case of breakdown of transport services due to inevitable circumstances cooperation from the parents is expected and no complain shall be entertained in the matter.
  • In case of any said breakdown, parents/guardians shall have to make arrangement for the day.
  • Transport service can be availed minimum for 3 months and if any student want to quit the service in mid- session, will have to inform in writing one month before.
  • No student can quit the transport services after the month of December of the session.
  • Students must not move around when the buses in motion.
  • Consumption of edibles and drinks is not permitted in the bus.
  • School administration/Principal reserves the right to amend/reverse the said rules and their decision shall hold finality on the issue.

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